Another Sunday Funday so we met up with our homies Khalid, Dave and our long lost friends of One Wheel Street ( Rob & Steve ). Khalid’s bike was down for quite a bit but the savage is back! With a new engine and some new fairings the f4i is ready to be trashed again!

With this guy you better have your camera ready because out of the blue he starts ripping shit up. Drifting, smoking tires, popping wheelies, doing insane stoppies you never know what Khalid is up to. The only thing you know it’s going to be epic!

While Khalid was enjoying the first ride of the season. Dave was killing it with the seat standers! Honing his skills and trying out new things. As this spot gives a shitload of straight road you can really get some speed in.

We had some catching up to do with the homies Rob & Steve as we haven’t talked to them in a while. The bike is almost done and it’s almost time to see the Dirtbike Wheelie Champ OWS back in action! Hopefully next week we have all the Amsterdam Ridaz united on Khalids birthday-bash. He’s already practicing the dance moves.

It was nice to see the guys at the usual spot again. And see them progress and amaze us. The level is high and the enthusiasm even higher. If this is a harbinger for this season, it’s going to be dope as fuck!
See you on the next one!